Who We Are

Infirnity is our love story

We met on the basketball courts of Chelsea and within 3 days ignited a connection that has lasted 14 years. While we were dating we began using the term true love to describe our connection and union.

A couple years in, we created a name for true love, and called it Infirnity. Infirnity is Eternity and Infinity merged together. 2 concepts that we believe define true love...eternal and infinite. This love empowered us to step into our passions and purpose together as we started our very own basketball college prep program called Infirnity.

Like in love’s true nature….it expanded. Soon our highschool program became middle school character development programs, leadership training, annual block parties, community game nights, women’s healing workshops, youth and adult recreational programming and much much more.

In 5 years…Infirnity was booming and the community was thriving from the energy. Jerome Jones was our anchor, volunteering his love, energy and passion every step of the way!

But then the pandemic happened and everything stopped.

Smiling couple
Basketball court

While we had a huge gamut of services and were 100% volunteer based, we didn’t have a space of our own. We worked hard to raise and allocate funds to neighbors during the pandemic, which was a huge blessing. But the buck stopped there.

In 2019, the pandemic shifted everything and Infirnity’s love came back to our initial union and grew within. In 2 years we welcomed 2 children into the world and wondered if they would ever see the Infirnity we created in community. Then one day in the Summer of 2023, one of our friend’s/neighbor/family came up to us and said “We need Infirnity. Let’s do something.“

Her voice pioneered the initiation of the 2023 Infirnity Block Party and within days a group of 4 wonderful, talented, and driven mothers fundraised, organized and executed an incredible event in 1 month! The True Love of Infirnity had returned, and stronger than ever. For the first time, our community didn’t see Lisa and Yuwnus doing something….We saw all of Us.

This is Infirnity. It is You, It is Me, It is We. We strive to build the community we believe in by facilitating the love that is abundantly present into action. Welcome to our home.